Seminar on Barefoot running in Bloemfontein: 29 August 2013

Biokinetics Association of Southern Africa (Free State Region) & South African Sports Medicine Association, are presenting a workshop in Bloemfontein

Against the background of research & the implication of it on clinical practice we’ve
established an orthopaedic workshop between Dr Louis Holtzhausen, Arnold Vlok
and Frans Kleynhans presented by BASA Free State and SASMA.

The aim of this workshop is to clinically debate the pro’s and con’s of bare feet running,
lower limb biomechanics, and the impact of orthotics regarding these components and
how it effects the high performance and novice athlete in terms of injury management
and prevention.

We take it one step further by discussing the training errors within the background of
chronic used injuries. Against this background we want to increase the knowledge of
patients and clients to manage injuries effectively.

We invite you to join us:

Date: 29 August 2013
Time: 19h00 (Registration 18:30)
Venue: James Moroko Building (Metro 4) University of the Free State
Price: R100
RSVP: 27 August 2013
2 CPD points

For any inquiries or further information contact:
Stefan Uys:
Arnold Vlok: