In this Constitution, unless the context indicates the contrary:
1. “Association” shall mean the South African Sports Medicine Association.
2. “Executive Committee” shall mean the Executive Committee of the South African Sports Medicine
Association. (Abbreviated EXCO).
3. “Management Committee” shall mean the Management Committee of the South African Sports Medicine
Association (Abbreviated MANCO).
The official name of the association is “THE SOUTH AFRICAN SPORTS MEDICINE ASSOCIATION”
(.Abbreviated SASMA).
Statement of Purpose: SASMA is a multi-disciplinary professional and scientific society dedicated to the generation and dissemination of knowledge concerning the motivation, responses, adaptation and health aspects of persons engaged in sport and exercise.
2.1 Specifically, SASMA is concerned with:
2.1.1 Basic physiological, biochemical, biomechanical, structural and behavioural mechanisms.
2.1.2 Improvement and maintenance of functional capacities of daily living.
2.1.3 Prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries related to sport and exercise.
2.1.4 Prevention and rehabilitation of chronic and degenerative diseases.
2.1.5 Evaluation and conditioning of athletes.
2.2 Statement and Objectives
The objectives of SASMA are:
2.2.1 Promotion and advancement of Sport Science and Sports Medicine.
2.2.2 Arranging for local, regional and national meetings of medical professionals, allied health professionals, scientists, and educators.
2.2.3 Development and implementation of educational programmes in the areas of interest to SASMA for medical professionals, allied health professionals, scientists, teachers, coaches, athletes and the general public.
2.2.4 Publication of a journal(s), books, pamphlets, articles and special educational materials of specific concern to SASMA.
2.2.5 Development and publication of position stands and opinion statements in areas of specific concern to SASMA.
2.2.6 Cooperation with other national and international organizations, physicians, scientists and educators with interests similar to those of SASMA.
2.2.7 Protect the interests of its members. To represent and further the interest of sports medicine and sports science and to do all such things as are incidental to or conductive of the above objectives.
2.2.8 To accomplish the foregoing objective, the Association may establish Sub-groups and Special Interest Groups and shall have the power to carry on research, and establish courses to the advancement of the knowledge of sports medicine.
3.1 Membership of the Association shall be of the following classes:
– Full Member
– Honorary Member
– Life Member
– Emeritus Member
– Student Member
– Associate Member
(Note: The word “member”, when not capitalized, denotes anyone enrolled in the Association. When capitalized, it denotes the class of membership).
A list of all members of the Association shall be kept by the EXCO.
Qualifications – Every applicant for membership shall meet the following minimum requirements.
Shall have earned a bachelor’s, honour’s, master’s, or doctor’s degree at an accredited institution in a field related to health, physical education or biology, or shall have earned a bachelor’s, master’s or doctor’s degree in other areas and is working in a field related to health, physical education, sports medicine, exercise science.
Applicants who have experience or training equivalent to one of the above degrees and who are working in a field related to health, physical education, sports medicine, or exercise science may be accepted as a full member upon approval.
Honorary members may be elected by the EXCO from persons in science of the humanities provided in the opinion of the EXCO they have made valuable contributions to the advancement of sports medicine. Honorary members shall have such privileges as may be conferred on them by the EXCO but shall have none of the liabilities of full members and shall have no vote.
Life membership may be conferred on persons who have rendered distinguished services to the Association. Candidates for life membership have to be proposed in writing by at least five (5) full members of the Association and they shall be elected by a two-thirds majority of the EXCO. Life members shall have all rights and privileges of full members but shall not be liable for payment of membership fees, and shall have no vote.
Emeritus membership may be conferred by the EXCO on full members who have retired from active practice, after being active members of good standing for a substantial part of their careers and have served the Association faithfully. Emeritus members shall have no vote.
The EXCO may elect as student members any student (of the profession where members can register as full or associate members) in his/her clinical years with a special interest in sports medicine and sports science. They shall possess the same right as full members except voting rights.
3.2 Qualifications
Candidate must apply for membership. The application shall contain the qualifications of the applicant.
3.3 Termination
Membership is terminated by either: –
3.3.1 Resignation in writing, addressed wither to the Regional branch or subgroup or to the National Secretary of the Association.
3.3.2 By a majority decision of the EXCO. Any member whose resignation is requested shall have the right, after making written application to the EXCO within fourteen (14) days after receiving such written notice, to appeal to the next Biennial General Meeting of the Association.
3.4 Suspension
3.4.1 Membership may be suspended if subscription fees have become twelve (12) months overdue. During the period of suspension a member shall lose the rights of membership. Reinstatement may be on payment of arrears fees. Suspension and reinstatement is within the discretion of the EXCO.
3.4.2 The activities of the Association shall be suspended if at any time its membership shall be less than eleven (11) full members.
4.1 The general control of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the EXCO.
4.2 The EXCO shall have the power to:
4.2.1 Co-opt additional members as required. They will cease to serve on the EXCO at the next Biennial General Meeting.
4.2.2 Appoint or dissolve sub-committees as required
4.2.3 The day-to-day management of the Association’s affairs will be handled by a MANCO comprising the President, Immediate Past-President and / or President-Elect and one (1) other nominated member of the EXCO. All actions of the Committee will be reviewed by the EXCO on a regular basis.
4.2.4 Awards and Tributes Committee
The SASMA Awards and Tributes Committee shall consist of the Convener and two other committee members. For reason of continuity this committee will be appointed (by the President and the EXCO) every four years – ie. at alternate Biennial General Meetings. Members of this committee shall preferably be those with long experience in, and of long association with, SASMA. This committee shall be convened
from time to time by the Convener to consider various SASMA awards and, if it sees fit, to recommend to the EXCO the awarding of such awards.
4.2.5 Accreditation Committee
The SASMA Accreditation Committee shall consist of a Convener and two other committee members. For reason of continuity this committee will be appointed (by the President and the EXCO) every four years – ie. at alternate Biennial General Meetings. Members of this committee shall preferably be those with long experience in, and of long association with, SASMA. This committee shall be convened from time to time by the Convener to consider applications made to SASMA for accreditation by the Association and, if it sees fit, to grant such accreditation. This accreditation shall be subject to certain restrictions as decided by the committee and shall cost a fee as determined by the EXCO from time to time.
5.1 The elected EXCO shall consist of the President, immediate Past-President, President-Elect, chairperson of Exercise is Medicine (South Africa) as well as one member (Chairman) of each Regional sub-group. One (1) representative each of the professional disciplines (or sub-groups) e.g. Sports Medicine, Physiotherapy, Exercise Science, Biokinetics, Orthopaedic Surgery and/or Sport Traumatology, Dietetics/Nutrition, Podiatry and Sports Psychology, Sports Vision and Chiropractics and any other discipline, which will enhance the Association’s goals, may be elected to the EXCO. Cost involved in attending meetings will bethe responsibility of these sub-groups and regional sub-groups.
5.2 At the first meeting after its election, the EXCO shall elect from amongst its members a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall serve in these capacities for one year only.
5.3 The President shall hold office for two (2) years.
6.1 The President-Elect shall be chosen by ballot and must be a current member of the full executive and shall serve on the Committee for two years before assuming the office of President. The result shall be announced at the Biennial General Meeting of the Association. The President must be a full member of the Association in good standing with the Association. A medical practitioner will serve as President at least every second term (one two-year term every four years).
6.2 The representative/s of the Regional subgroups shall be the Chairperson elected by each Regional subgroup biennially.
6.3 The representatives of the profession disciplines shall be nominated by the full members belonging to the profession, elected by ballot and approved by EXCO.
6.4 Any vacancy occurring amongst the elected members shall be filled in by nomination of their respective subgroup and approved by EXCO.
6.5 All voting at meetings shall be done personally or by proxy. All proxies shall be in writing, shall be in such form as the EXCO may determine from time to time and shall be lodged at such place as the EXCO may determine, not later than forty eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at which they are intended to be used.
7.1 The President presides at all meeting of the Association as well as those of the Executive council of which he shall also be Chairman. In any event that the President is incapacitated or otherwise unable to act, the President-Elect shall perform the functions of and act as President for the period of such incapacity, or failing him, a member specially elected for this purpose from amongst those present.
7.2 Elected EXCO members shall perform such duties as may be duly designated by the President.
7.3 The Secretary of the Association shall keep all records of all meetings and shall conduct all correspondence, arrange the Agenda for all meetings and keep a record of all members. He/she shall submit and Annual Report to the Biennial General Meeting of the Association, a copy of which shall be furnished within thirty (30) day after the Annual / Biennial General Meeting.
7.4 The Treasurer shall receive all moneys and shall make all disbursements authorized by the EXCO on behalf of the Association.
8.1 A majority of the EXCO shall constitute a quorum at any duly called meeting of the EXCO.
8.2 Eleven (11) full members shall constitute a quorum at any duly called Annual / Biennial General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
9.1 The EXCO shall authorize the establishment of sub-groups of the Association.
9.2 Such sub-groups may be allowed powers of independent action and autonomy in local matters provided that such action is not in conflict with the general policy and rules of the Association.
9.3 Each sub-group shall be controlled by EXCO. This EXCO shall consist of three (3) members, a Chairman, Honorary Secretary/Treasurer and one additional member. One member of each supplementary sports or allied body may be nominated by their sub-group to act as representative on the SASMA sub-group EXCO.
9.4 The sub-group EXCO shall be elected biennially at the Biennial General Meeting of the sub-group which shall be held not less than one (1) month prior to the Annual / Biennial General Meeting of the Association.
9.5 Each sub-group shall have a minimum membership of four (4) full members.
9.6 Reports of local action and biennial reports as well as biennial financial statements shall be submitted biennially by the Honorary Secretary/Treasurer of the sub-group to the Secretary and Treasurer of the Association.
9.7 The election of a Chairperson of each branch shall be done by ballot organized and controlled by the SASMA International Association. The results of this ballot shall be announced at the Biennial General Meeting of this sub-group.
10.1 The Biennial General Meeting of the Association shall be held at a time decided upon by the EXCO. The meeting shall be held during the Association’s Biennial Congress.
10.2 Special General Meetings of the Association can be called by the EXCO on the written request of eleven (11) full members of the group. Such meetings can be called provided a period of fourteen (14) days notice is given. The agenda must be submitted to all members and the subject matter limited to the points mentioned in the agenda.
10.3 Voting by proxy according to the Articles of the South African Medical Association and / or the Health Professions Council of South Africa shall be allowed at all general meetings.
10.4 The President shall preside as Chairman at the opening of the Biennial General Meeting. In the absence of the President, a Chairman shall be appointed by the meetings unless the President-Elect is present.
The Association may take such action as may be deemed necessary in all matters affecting the legitimate interests of its members.
An annual subscription shall be payable by members of SASMA to provide funds for the carrying out of the work of SASMA. The amount of the subscription may be determined by the EXCO from time to time.
Amendments to the Constitution can only be done at the Annual/Biennial General Meeting of the Association and only if passed by a two-thirds majority of those voting. Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be made known twenty-one (21) days prior to the annual/Biennial General Meeting by written notice.
Any motion to rescind a resolution at a previous meeting of SASMA’s Annual/Biennial General Meeting must be signed by at least five (5) EXCO members.
In the event of the dissolution of the Association the assets of the organization shall be given or transferred to some other organization or organizations engaged in activities similar to those for which this association was established. The EXCO shall be responsible for selecting the organization or organizations.
The financial affairs of the Association will be managed in accordance with the Association’s Financial Management Policy (see Addendum 1)
Financial Philosophy
The purpose of financial management in the operation of all South African Sports Medicine Association (SASMA) activities is to fulfil the organization’s mission in the most effective and efficient manner and to remain accountable to stakeholders, including members, clients, partners, funders and the community. In order to accomplish this, SASMA commits to provide accurate and complete financial data for internal and external use by the President and the Management Committee (Manco).
The SASMA Management Committee is ultimately responsible for the financial management of all activities. The Management Committee is responsible for the day-to-day financial management of the organization. The Executive Committee (Exco) authorizes the Management Committee to hire and supervise staff and independent consultants, pay bills, receive funds, and maintain bank accounts. Authorisation limits:
i. All expenses over R30,000 need to be approved by Manco
The President is authorized to enter into contracts for activities that have been approved by the Manco as a part of budgets or plans. The Manco must authorize any contracts outside of these parameters and all contracts with a financial value greater than R30, 000.
The Manco is authorized to manage expenses within the parameters of the overall approved budget, reporting to the Executive Committee on variances and the reason for these variances.
The Management Committee shall:
Report the financial results of SASMA operations on the schedule established by the Manco, at least quarterly.
Bank transactions will be captured on a daily basis, and bank reconciliations will be completed on a monthly basis.
Pay all obligations and file required reports in a timely manner. Accounts payable will be authorised prior to payment as defined under Authorisation limits.
The President and SASMA secretary are signatories to this bank account.
Payments will be processed once a week on the last working day of the week, if approved.
Creditor reconciliations will be performed on a monthly basis.
Make no contractual commitment for bank loans, corporate credit cards, or for real estate lease or purchase without specific approval of the Exco.
Record fixed assets with a purchase price of R1,000 and above in accounting records as capital assets. Depreciation of capital assets will not exceed five years for furniture and equipment or three years for computer and other technology equipment.
Limit vendor credit accounts to prudent and necessary levels.
Obtain competitive bids shall for items or services costing in excess of R5,000 per unit. Selection will be based on cost, service and other elements of the contract. SASMA may award the bid to any provider and is not required to accept the lowest cost proposal.
The Executive Committee shall:
Review financial reports at each Exco meeting.
Financial Transactions with insiders
No advances of funds to employees, officer bearers, or members are authorized. Direct and necessary expenses including travel for meetings and other activities related to carrying out responsibilities shall be reimbursed.
In no case shall SASMA borrow funds from any employee, officer bearer, or member of the organization without specific authorization from the Exco.
In order to ensure that planned activities minimize the risk of financial jeopardy and are consistent with Excoapproved priorities the President shall:
Submit an operating budget to the Management Committee in time for reasonable approval prior to each fiscal year.
The Biennial SASMA Congress and Exercise is Medicine will have separate budgets and bank accounts and will be subject to their own financial policies.
In terms of budgeting, 33% of annual income should be invested. The remaining 67% should be budgeted for general operating expenses. These figures can be adjusted annually at the decision of Manco. Interest received from invested funds will be deemed income for operating expenses.
Asset Protection
In order to ensure that the assets of SASMA are adequately protected and maintained, the President shall:
Insure against theft and casualty losses to the organization and against liability losses to Exco members, staff, or the organization itself to levels indicated in consultation with suitable professional resources.
Plan and carry out suitable protection and maintenance of property, building, and equipment.
Avoid actions that would expose the organization, its Exco, or staff to claims of liability.
Protect intellectual property, information and files from unauthorized access, tampering, loss, or significant damage.
Receive, process, and disburse funds under controls that are sufficient to maintain basic segregation of duties to protect bank accounts, income receipts, and payments.
October 2013
Last Revision: February 2013