25 October 2019
Dear SASMA member,
On behalf of myself and the Past President (Dr Pierre Viviers) of SASMA, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank you for your valuable participation at the SASMA Conference 2019 in Cape Town. I am thrilled to report that based on feedback we have received thus far, the attending delegates found the entire program to be informative, educational and of the highest standard.
I am very excited about the future journey for SASMA and will definitely need all your support and participation with implementation of strategies going forward. I want to assure you of my dedication and enthusiasm to grow this organization.
Some of my strategies include:
1. Implementation of/focus on digital education to create awareness and extend knowledge in the field of Sports and Exercise Medicine and Sports Sciences, e.g. the use of technology for webinars, etc. This will enable us to get the message out to the smaller regions .
2. Growth of the membership base by applying more aggressive marketing methods. Please note: Only paid up members will receive the forthcoming communications.
3. More messages on social media such as Facebook and creating a Twitter handle for SASMA.
4. Collaboration with other organisations in the sport/medical/physical activity field.
These are but a few strategies I have in mind and I want to invite all of you to please communicate with me and my team regarding new ideas or opportunities for the organization.
My contact details are as follows:
Email address: christa.jansevanrensburg@up.ac.za
Cellphone number: 0833056036
Office number: 012 420 6053
The new President-Elect for 2019 – 2021 is Dr Sharief Hendricks.
His contact details are as follows:
Email address: sharief.hendricks01@gmail.com
Cellphone number: 0766173741
The new National Secretary who will be taking over from Arina from January 2020 is Linda van Rooyen. She holds a B.Comm Accounting degree and is skilled and experienced in Education.
Her contact details are as follows:
Email address: admin@sasma.org.za (this address will only be active from 1 November 2019 )
Cellphone number: 0725639197
Office number: 012 3353734
Kind Regards,
Prof DC Janse van Rensburg