Call for SASMA Portfolio Chairs and Committee Members
The 2015 – 2017 Exco would like to invite you to join our team. Our aim is to establish committees within SASMA that will drive certain organisational goals. The following portfolios will be established:
1. Education
2. Membership
3. International/Inter-organisational relation
4. Communications
5. Student Relations
We believe that establishing these committees will enable targeted and accelerated growth of the organisation. Furthermore, we celebrate the opportunity to create more leadership positions within the organisation, and better opportunities for SASMA members to engage. Members are invited to volunteer to serve on these committees. With support from Exco, the committee members would be responsible for developing and implementing portfolio specific strategic objectives. Most communication and outcomes will be delivered online, with limited or no “out-of-office” time required. Portfolio 3 and 5 (International/inter-organisational relations & Student Relations) may require availability for a few of meetings in the 2 year term (at members convenience).
We urge you to get involved in any one of the portfolios that interest you. Stand up and be counted. Be part of something great.
If you are interested in joining the SASMA leadership, please email or with the following details:
- Name
- Contact Details (email and phone number)
- SASMA Registration Number
- Region
- Portfolio of interest
Applications are open to ALL SASMA members. Closing date: 20 December 2015