2019 will see Cape Town play host to the 18th Biennial Congress of the South African Sports Medicine Association (SASMA).
Over the years, SASMA congresses proved to be of exceptional standard and relevant to the current trends in Sport Science and Medicine. The 2019 Congress will be no different and amongst others, will take a deep look into various themes, such as exercise for health, musculoskeletal conditions, prevention of injury and illness, peak performance, pain management, energy availability, environmental challenges and advanced technology. These themes will not only focus on athletes in the elite space, but also on recreational athletes of all ages, across genders and with different physical abilities.
For the first time in history, SASMA and the BRICS Council of Sport and Exercise Science will present a joint Congress. This collaboration will see:
- the 18th SASMA Congress, A Quest for Health and Performance,
- the 2nd BRICS Congress, focusing on Holistic Health, Sport Science and Sustainability: The Way Forward,
- the 6th Annual Congress on Medicine & Science in Ultra Endurance-Sport,
- the 1st World Future Leaders / Volunteers’ Congress, and
- Pre-Conference Workshops with Exercise is Medicine S.A., SA Drug Free Sport and SA Sports Physiotherapy Group
Congress delegates will have access to all sessions presented by SASMA and BRICS, which will not only broaden the choice of topics but also enhance the academic value of the Congress.
The outline of the programme can be seen in the following image.

A respected international and local faculty of invited speakers will entertain you throughout the conference with the latest relevant knowledge. They will be supported by leading researchers in their respective fields, sharing evidence-based outcomes in Sport Science and Medicine. Various platforms, such as keynote lectures, mini-symposiums, colloquiums, clinical case studies, free communications, panel discussions and poster presentations will be presented in an integrated multi-professional fashion to ensure effective translation of knowledge.
The support from industry and various other role players should be commended. It would not be impossible to stage a congress of this magnitude and standard without them.
Join us to use the opportunity to network, build friendships and collaborations which may enrich your future career. The social events in particular are valuable platforms to meet people and have fun.
Enjoy one of the World’s most popular tourist destinations. Take full advantage to visit attractions, learn more about South Africa, its history, the people and diverse cultures that make this a very special country.
Enjoy every minute of this Congress to make it a very memorable event.
Register online at https://sasmabricscess2019.co.za/index.php
Follow us on twitter @SASMA2019 for the latest updates, news and information!